
What to expect when taking homeopathic remedies

When working with a homeopath for chronic symptoms, it can be helpful to know what to expect after you take a homeopathic remedy. The remedy responses outlined below are simplified for readability by a general audience and may be observed within the first week to...

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Classical homeopathy: what it means and why it’s important

Samuel Hahnemann You may come across different terms that describe ways of practicing homeopathy. They are classical and practical (or clinical) homeopathy. If you're seeking homeopathic care, it's important to be familiar with these approaches. Classical homeopathy...

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Top benefits of homeopathy

Homeopathy is the second largest system of medicine in the world. It has prevailed for over two centuries likely because of the following benefits: Individualized: With classical homeopathy, there are no protocols. Remedies...

How homeopathic remedies are made

Homeopathic remedies are made from substances found in nature, including animals, plants, and minerals. The process of making remedies involves potentization and succussion of the substance, which are unique to homeopathy....

Homeopathic provings: How we know the symptoms of remedies

We know the symptoms of a remedy through homeopathic provings. Provings are essentially tests of a remedy on healthy, willing participates. Without provings, indications for remedies would be based on speculation or...

Rethinking your lifestyle: Obstacles to healing in homeopathy

Samuel Hahnemann, the founder of homeopathy, was the forerunner of healers today that promote a healthy diet and lifestyle. He viewed poor diet, a sedentary lifestyle, and other habits as obstacles to healing in homeopathy....

Classical homeopathy: what it means and why it’s important

Samuel Hahnemann You may come across different terms that describe ways of practicing homeopathy. They are classical and practical (or clinical) homeopathy. If you're seeking homeopathic care, it's important to be familiar...

How homeopathic remedies are made

Homeopathic remedies are made from substances found in nature, including animals, plants, and minerals. The process of making remedies involves potentization and succussion of the substance, which are unique to homeopathy. Potentization Potentization refers to a...

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Top benefits of homeopathy

Homeopathy is the second largest system of medicine in the world. It has prevailed for over two centuries likely because of the following benefits: Individualized: With classical homeopathy, there are no protocols. Remedies are chosen based on how you experience your...

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