
Understanding homeopathic potencies means being familiar with the process of making remedies. The process of making remedies is referred to as potentization and succussion.

Potentization refers to a series of dilutions of the substance from which the remedy is made, which could be an animal, plant, or mineral. This process creates the potency or strength of the remedy. Succussion involves applying friction to the prepared substance by shaking or agitating it between each dilution.

Remedy labels

A homeopathic remedy is labeled with the name of the substance. This is usually the Latin, scientific, or taxonomic name of the substance. For instance, the homeopathic remedy Bellis perennis is made from the plant Bellis perennis, which is the scientific name for the common daisy. The homeopathic remedy Lachesis is made from Lachesis muta, which is the taxonomic name for the Bushmaster snake.

A homeopathic remedy is also labeled with a number and letter. This may look like 6x, 30c, 200c, 1M, LM3, and so forth. The number and letter refer to the potency of the remedy. The number refers to the number of dilutions of the substance, whereas the letter refers to the dilution ratio or scale.

Understanding homeopathic potencies: What the letters mean

The ‘X’ refers to a decimal scale, which uses a 1:10 dilution ratio. This means that there is 1 part medicinal substance to 9 parts solvent, which is usually water, alcohol or milk sugar. The ‘C’ refers to the centesimal scale, which uses a 1:100 dilution ratio. This means that there is 1 part medicinal substance to 99 parts solvent.

The ‘M’ is an abbreviation for 1000C or higher, so it is prepared at a 1:100 dilution ratio and uses the centesimal scale. For example, 1M is equivalent to 1000C and 10M is equivalent to 10,000C. The ‘M’ is the Roman numeral for 1,000. Similarly, ‘CM’ is an abbreviation for 100,000C, so it is prepared at a 1:100 dilution ratio and uses the centesimal scale as well. For instance, 1CM is equivalent to 100,000C and 5CM is equivalent to 500,000C.

The LM potency is also referred to as the Q potency, which comes from the word quinquagintamillesimal. This is a combination of the Latin words for ‘50’ (quinquaginta) and for ‘1,000’ (millesimal), forming a word for 50,000. The LM scale uses a 1:50,000 dilution ratio. This means that there is 1 part medicinal substance to 50,000 parts solvent.

Hahenmannian versus Korsakovian methods of manufacturing

You may see ‘CK’ listed on some remedies, such as 200CK. The ‘K’ refers to the Korsakovian method of manufacturing. With this method, the same container used to prepare the remedy is emptied and refilled with solvent between each dilution and succussion. Korsakoff, who was a Russian physician and is the namesake of this method, used one container and allowed the remaining liquid that clings to the bottom or side to be considered the next 1 part medicinal substance that is then added to the solvent.

On the other hand, the Hahnemannian method of manufacturing involves a new container for each dilution, such that once the pharmacy prepares a 1C potency, that container is discarded. To make a 2C potency, the pharmacy takes 1 part of the 1C and adds it to a new container with the solvent.

Essentially, the difference between the Korsakovian and Hahnemannian methods of manufacturing is the number of containers used. The Korsakovian method uses one container, whereas the Hahnemannian method uses multiple containers based on the number of dilutions. A 30C potency would use 30 containers and a 200C potency would use 200 containers.

Generally, there is no significant difference in the remedies produced using each of these methods. Obviously, the Korsakovian method is more efficient and economical, but some may argue it is not as precise in terms of the dilution ratio. There have been technological advances for the Hahnemannian method that use precise machines to prepare higher dilutions of substances and avoid dozens or hundreds of containers.

To learn more about how homeopathic remedies are made, read this blog post.

Understanding homeopathic potencies: What the numbers mean

The number preceding the letter (or scale) indicates the number of times the medicinal substance has been diluted and succussed, or triturated. For instance, a 30C potency has been through 30 dilutions and succussions at a 1:100 dilution ratio.

This is what the preparation process looks like for a 30C potency: the homeopathic pharmacy takes 1 part of the medicinal substance and mixes it with 99 parts solvent. The resulting dilution is succussed, producing a 1C potency. Then, the pharmacy takes 1 part of the 1C and mixes it with 99 parts solvent. The resulting dilution is succussed, producing a 2C potency. Then, the pharmacy takes 1 part of the 2C and mixes it with 99 parts solvent. This dilution is succussed, producing a 3C potency. This process is repeated for a total of 30 times to produce a 30C potency.

The LM scale uses the 3C potency as its starting material since any substance is soluble at this potency. The 3C is diluted at a 1:50,000 ratio and succussed 100 times, creating the LM1 potency. So, the ‘1’ refers to the number of dilutions, which is one. Then, 1 part of the LM1 is diluted at a 1:50,000 ratio and succussed 100 times, creating a LM2 potency. Again, the ‘2’ refers to two dilutions. This is repeated until the desired LM potency is reached. Some remedies are manufactured as high as LM99.  

More dilution means more potent

The more diluted a substance is, the more potent, deeper or stronger it is. So, a remedy on the LM scale is more potent than a remedy on the C scale. Within the C scale, a CM potency is more potent than a M potency, which is more potent than a C potency because of the number of dilutions. Remember that a CM potency is equivalent to 100,000C. A remedy on the C scale is more potent than a remedy on the X scale.

How it is possible that the more a substance is diluted, the more potent or stronger it becomes? Remember that the remedy acts energetically, rather than chemically or materially, within the body.

The dilutions release medicinal properties of the substance that are otherwise inaccessible in its crude form. The more the solution is diluted and succussed, the more the medicinal properties become consistent, intense and detailed. Consider a projector and screen. When the projector is close to the screen, the image appears small in size. However, as you move the projector further away from the screen, the image becomes larger and clearer.

Jill Page, CCH is a certified classical homeopath based in Kentucky offering virtual consultations to people worldwide. To learn more, visit Hope and Healing Homeopathy.